New Zealand 2012/13

NZ by bicycle: Summary

Those four months, which i spent in New Zealand, are finally over and I’m already in Australia. However, I would like to look back a last time and also note one or the other thing which I learnt during this journey. Especially also for those, which would like to do a cycling trip in NZ themselves. As always are those conclusions very subjective. Impressions and conclusions New Zealand is famous for (cycling) tourism. Traveling is therefor pretty straight forward. I […]

Cape Reinga and back

After 4’700km, my cycling journey in New Zealand is finally coming to an end. However, also the last few hundred kilometer included all what New Zealand has to offer: sun, rain and storm: boat rides and seals. Next destination is the South of Australia. What I will do there is not yet exactly clear. We will see soon. Auckland After my smartphone and also my camera died, I had to organize an alternative. The smartphone was pretty easy. The camera […]

Ups and Downs: Wellington – Taranaki – Auckland

After the warmth of Vanuatu, I returned to New Zealand, where Fall has more or less arrived. I already made it back to Auckland after starting cycling again in Wellington in the mean time. The path to here wasn’t as straight forward as expected and there were some ups and downs. More about it now. Auckland – Wellington I took in the morning the bus (not the night bus this time…) back to Wellington after my return by plane to […]

How to pass a cyclist

A tropical low is at the moment passing across New Zealand, which brings stronger winds and rain. Good for the agriculture (which is fighting with a drought), bad for cyclists as myself. However, after it had been a very sunny summer, I can’t really complain. And it also gives me the chance to write an article, which I had on my list since a long time. Share the road It’s for cyclists (and touring cyclists are part of them) not […]

Diving Santo & Efate – Vanuatu Part 3

I’m already back in New Zealand, where the second part of my cycling tour is waiting. However, I also spent the last few weeks on the islands of Vanuatu; in Espiritu Santo and Efate. The original plan was to also visit the volcanoes on the island of Ambrym but that didn’t work out unfortunately. Next time, I hope :-). Santo – A wet start
 After having some wonderful days in Tanna, we took the plane to Port Vila on Efate […]