Santiago to Ushuaia by bike


Because I’m using a very slow computer at the moment, only a short update for now. After climbing the volcano Villarrica, I took the Bus to Puerto Montt. From there a cycled something like 20km to a nicely situated but completely empty campsite in Panitao. Like camping in the wild but with the advantage of a real toilett ;-). On Friday I cycled further to the city of Ancud on the Chiloe island. And because I missed a crossroad, it […]

Done! :-)

Today, I finally made it to the top of the Volcano Villarrica. And we had great weather :-). Following a few impressions from the trip. View from the summit. On the left side the complettely with smoke filled crater. And then we slided down the slope on our butt. Tomorrow I will take the bus to Puerto Montt and really start biking. All the best from Villarrica, Stefan


I was actually planning to cycle to Meulipeuco and to the Llaima volcano. However, because of some technical problems and because of not getting as far in a day as thought, I decided to go to Villarrica instead. After a heavy, long ride in very warm weather I reached the border of Lago Villarrica with the same named volcano and city: So my next target is to get on top of this volcano which is probably going to be on […]

la huelga: walkout

Im now since 3 days in Santiago and planned to take today the train to Chillan around 4 hours south of Santiago. However, it just stayed a plan. When I arrived at the train station this morning, I was told that there will be no trains today and they couldnt tell me, when there will be trains again. Oh well. At least I got an interview with the Chilenian National TV about this ;-). Because I didnt really have a […]

Houston – Eagle has landed

Or similar :-). After more than 16h of flying via Paris, Im finally arrived in Santiago. And luckily with me also all of the luggage. After putting together the Puzzle which is called bike, I finally started to drive towards Santiago. This was actually not that easy and again ended up on a highway. I just say “Sicily” for insiders… However, also the guy at the toll station didnt stop me. He just looked at me a bit puzzled and […]