For details about this crossing, please read the German version of this article or look at the tour operators website at
In short: If you have a trailer or a lot of luggage, I recommend to take a horse for that. It’s not cheap (USD 30) but it gives you the possibility to really enjoy it.
If you don’t like to spend the night in El Chalten on the campsite, make a reservation in a hostel. In high season everything is full otherwise.
And following a few pictures from my trip with Marco and Paulo. Enjoy your trip too!
All the best,
Hoi Stef
unbedingt die ‘chocolateria’ probieren. Es gibt dort die besten Schokoladenkuchen der Welt….
Gruss de Suiza
Hoi Sven
Danke für den Tip! Leider hat es mir für einen Besuch nicht mehr gereicht. Aber ich bin fleissig am Schokolade essen :-).
Viele Grüsse aus Puerto Natales,