haines highway

Summary: From Los Angeles till Alaska

After a great time in South America, I continued in North America. The infrastructure was definitely better but one or the other adventure was also waiting there. And for all this, we had around half a year. Pacific Coast Highway and Yosemite After my bicycle made it to LA as well, I continued with Ines, my travel companion on this part of the journey, towards north along the coast on the PCH (Pacific Coast Highway or Highway 1). On the […]

Bear Country: Haines & Alaska Highway

It got a bit wilder and more more adventures, finally. Haines Highway: Haines – Haines Junction We were told, that there aren’t any reasonable shops for the next few hundred miles (which was not really true). We bought food for the next 7+ days therefor and our bikes were very heavy when we left Haines. It was cloudy but it was still partly sunny, when we drove along the Chilkat River. It went only slightly uphill, which was good after […]