
Ups and Downs: Wellington – Taranaki – Auckland

After the warmth of Vanuatu, I returned to New Zealand, where Fall has more or less arrived. I already made it back to Auckland after starting cycling again in Wellington in the mean time. The path to here wasn’t as straight forward as expected and there were some ups and downs. More about it now. Auckland – Wellington I took in the morning the bus (not the night bus this time…) back to Wellington after my return by plane to […]

South Island: Wellington – Christchurch

I left Christchurch already in the mean time and I’m on the way towards south. However, a lot of stuff happened on the way to the biggest city of the South Island and I met several interesting people. You can read about all that and more in this blog entry. Enjoy! Tongariro – Wellington – Nelson
 For speeding up the journey a bit, I took the train from the Tongariro National Park to Wellington. The train because transportation of the […]